Thursday, February 16, 2012

So here's a little bit of what I've been up to...

I mentioned in my post yesterday that I have been SUPER busy and have thus forsaken my new found blogging responsibility. There is so much that I want to catch up on, but I think I will have to post them in separate entries. So here's the first:

This past Saturday (Feb 11th) our Adult Bible Study class (ABS class) had our 2nd annual Valentine's Date night dinner.  Two ladies in our class, Brooke and Rissie (who also happen to be good friends of mine) take it upon themselves to set up and plan the party, as well as buy, prepare and serve the food.  This is no small task, mind you, as there were almost 40 people at our party this Saturday.  Anyway, for just $15 a couple each person was served salad, rolls, baked chicken, mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese as well as a dessert selection to DIE FOR (pic to follow...). After the dinner we all (well...almost all of us...) played the newly wed game.  Blake and I won our round (two years in a row, woot woot!!)

Anyway, I can't remember if I've mentioned it on my blog or not, but I am doing Weight Watchers online, and I really really want to stick to it. So far, so good! But on this particular Saturday I was very nervous about my weigh in day (which is Sunday).  Blake happened to be off Saturday and when you get the two of us together, we are a ravenous pair.  We love to eat!  Side note: Blake says one of the things that first attracted him to me was the fact I was not a "salad and water" girl.  Homegirl can EAT!  Anyway, Blake's mom had agreed to keep Peyton until Sunday afternoon, so around lunch we headed to her house.  Now, I love my husband, but do you know what that sap sucker did? He went through the Burger King drive through. I could have KILLED him! After a rather heated internal debate between the fat devil-girl and the angelic bikini-clad girl in my head, I decided to to bypass the Whopper with cheese and french fries and opt for the grilled chicken sandwich with *insert sad sigh here...* no fries and a diet coke. Afterwards, I looked up the points value and learned that the sandwich was only 13 points. A considerably larger amount of points than I normally eat for lunch, but not too bad for drive-thru food, in my opinion.  Here is a pic of me enjoying my chicken sandwich:

And here is a pic of my darling husband enjoying his double whopper with cheese while driving our family down the interstate:

And here is my Sweet P with her child's meal. Unlike Blake or myself, she is not a big eater. We were having to coax her to eat her cheeseburger and fries and bribe her with the toy.  I tried to explain to her that one day she will wish someone will make her eat a cheeseburger and fries, but I'm not quite certain she understood...

 You will also notice the lovely pink bedpan we keep in our car now and is Peyton's permanent travel companion due to her motion-sickness....

So my decision to opt for the healthier sandwich is just one battle won in the war against my size 12's.  Now lets talk Valentine's Party!  Here are a few pics:

And here is a picture of my dessert plate....*dreamy sigh* isn't she BEAUTIFUL!

And...I might have went back for seconds!  Anyway, my point is that I can still have little splurges every now and then, but I have to limit them.  And, I'm learning to control my portions.  Some of you may look at this dessert plate and think "overkill" but for those of you who know me personally you know this is considerably less than what I normally eat.  And the good news: I WEIGHED IN AT MY GOAL WEIGHT THE NEXT DAY!

I'm not going to lie, I'm exercising for 45 minutes EVERYDAY (except for Sundays of course) and I'm passing up food that I love, and making sacrifices, but the payoff is when I look down at my scale or when I can slip off my jeans without unbuttoning them.  The view on this weight-loss mountain is getting better folks!  The fog hasn't completely cleared, and I can't see the top yet, but I can definitely see my next few steps!

1 comment:

  1. All that food looks so yummy! And what a coincidence...Chuck says that he was glad that on our first date I ordered a "real meal" and ate it up! We both love to eat, too! Keep up the great work on WW and on your blog. I love reading it!!!
