Friday, February 10, 2012

I'm worried about worrying...

So I said in yesterday's post that one of my "new" hobbies is weight loss. To help with this little adventure I joined Weight Watcher's Online, and for the most part I really enjoy it.  It's kind of like a game for me; recording my points, seeing what's the most yummy for the least amount of points, or how much food I can stuff into those points...that sort of thing. But me, being the anxiety-stricken person that I am, started worrying at day one what I would do when I reached that plateau in my weight loss regime.

The smart thing to say here would be, "Well, just step up your game. Exercise more, challenge yourself more in the choices that you make where food is concerned." But you see, I don't work that way my friends. I am a creature of habit, and I don't take too kindly to anything mussin up my routine. Before my size 12 pants became my worst enemy, I had a pretty good routine going: something breaded and sweet for breakfast, a salty snack, something hearty for lunch with a (not so) small something sweet to follow, another salty snack and a big ole country style supper with all the fixins and if I didn't have anything in the house to satisfy my sweet tooth for dessert...well DQ is literally 5 minutes from my house. And we still haven't even discussed my bedtime snack...

So you can already see that the so called "minor" changes to my diet are not so minor to me. I love to eat, but I love my daughter more and I want to be healthy for her...and I HATE my size 12 pants...

Since I started WW I have lost (according to a reading from my scale first thing this morning on which I stood post-urination and in my birthday suit...) about eight pounds.  I feel better, and my size 12's are no longer cutting off my circulation. But I have a ways to go - 22 more pounds to go - and I'm freaking out. 

You see, according to my scale this morning, I'm only down .4 of a pound from yesterday. Yes I know you are not supposed to weigh everyday, but I HAVE TO. It's an addiction. DUM DUM does this mean I've plateaued?  Do I already need to step up my game? What if I can't lose the weight without doing something drastic, like exercising TWICE a day, or never letting another carbohydrate touch my lips again??!! 

Now if all that worrying wasn't enough I'm worried that my worrying might cause me to jump off a cliff doing a swan dive into the bowl of M&M's sitting on my counter. I mean, come on, what dieting woman keeps an open dish of M&M's on her kitchen counter? Ugh. I'm a masochist to the core...

I guess this means my view for today pretty intimidating.  I feel like I'm hanging on the side of a cliff and I'm too far to jump to the ground, but still miles away from the top. But I will make it to the top, eventually, and the view from there - as I stand in my considerably smaller jeans - will be pretty freaking amazing.

1 comment:

  1. "Just keep swimming..." I cried this morning when I had gained 1.2 lbs. Tears. From a forty year old woman. When there are people in the world without food to eat. I'm moving to wherever they are. Kidding. Kind of. :P
