Sunday, July 29, 2012


This will be more of a "free therapy" type post for myself rather than a post of interest for anyone else. My apologies...

I am so exhausted.  Not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well.  The past few days have just been, well, tough.  Definitely not  the MOST difficult days in my short little life, but tough.  Allow me to vent.  Peyton has hit the terrible threes in full force.  Someone has kidnapped my precious, kind, loving daughter and replaced her with a rebellious, indifferent stranger.  She will not listen, she will not mind, and when she is punished, she acts like she's not even bothered.  I don't know what to do.  Wednesday at gymnastics was the start of it.  We actually had to pull her out of the class before it was finished because she was being so much of a distraction to the other little girls, and the teacher couldn't do her job because she was too busy getting on to Peyton!  Blake and I were MORTIFIED! Blake and I both talked to her and told her that her behavior was not acceptable.  Did that bother her? Nope.  We didn't take her to Chick-fil-A afterwards to eat her favorite food and to play.  Was she upset? Nah.  When we got home she got punishment from both Blake and myself.  Sorry? Not exactly.  She was made to lie in her bed with no t.v. to take a rest (mind you, she hasn't napped in MONTHS).  Didn't even phase her.  When she got up she was allowed no t.v, no iPod games, no  How did she respond? She wanted a cookie.  A COOKIE! She didn't even seem to know she was in trouble!! How do you reprimand a child when the child isn't phased by any form of punishment??

Then there was this morning...oh Lord help us this morning...When Peyton got up this morning the first thing she wanted was her usual cup of milk.  Blake being the attentive husband that he is (or maybe it was the solid kick I gave him followed by the guttural moaning of "you get it") got up and was going to get her milk, get her to the potty and turn on the cartoons for her, when she had a complete come apart.  She was kicking and screaming, face down in the floor. When Blake handed her her milk she took it and threw it in the floor.  We are still not sure what prompted this. 

Then she wet herself during nursery at church.  Which, I understand, accidents will happen.  I can forgive an accident a day.  But when she did it again at the restaurant, I had had enough. 

I'm spent. I just don't know what to do.  Being a parent is so hard.  And I know that harder days are to come.  We haven't even reached adolescence for crying out loud! 

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